Who We Are

Welcome to the My Stuff Bags Foundation

Since 1998, we’ve dedicated ourselves to supporting children who must be rescued due to terrible situations of abuse, neglect, domestic violence or homelessness. Often arriving at new, unfamiliar settings with nothing but the clothes on their backs, these children find themselves in dire need of the most basic personal items.

At My Stuff Bags Foundation, we believe every child deserves to feel valued and cared for, especially during their most vulnerable moments. By providing individual duffel bags filled with new, age- and gender-appropriate essentials, we deliver not just physical items, but also a profound message of loving concern and a sense that they are not alone. Through the collective efforts of our donors, volunteers, grantors, and community and corporate partners, we strive to transform moments of despair into experiences of compassion and care.

Reaching Children in a Time of Need

Picture of a My Stuff Bag

Mission & Impact

Young Child in Distress

Our Mission

The My Stuff Bags Foundation provides new belongings, comfort, and hope to thousands of children each year who must be rescued from abandonment, abuse, domestic violence, homelessness, and neglect across the United States. Tragically, these children often enter foster care or crisis shelters with little to nothing of their own.

By rallying widespread individual, corporate and grantor involvement and the labor force of thousands of volunteers, through our My Stuff Bags Program we address the immediate emotional, physical and psychological needs of rescued children and help support the agencies caring for them.

A Smiling Child Who Has Been Helped

Our Impact

Since 1998, due to grassroots and growing participation in America, we have reached the hands and hearts of over 700,000 vulnerable children across the nation with a My Stuff Bag.

My Stuff Bags CEO Hugging a My Stuff Bag Recipient

A Message from Our CEO

Bringing Hope to Children in Crisis

What can a My Stuff Bag do for a child who has lost everything? It can bring a smile, dry tears, and remind them that they are not alone. Read a heartfelt message from our President & CEO, Janeen Holmes.

Discover Our Story

A Journey of Hope & Healing

Every year, hundreds of thousands of American children face the heartbreak of having to leave their homes due to abuse, neglect, and other tragic circumstances. Carrying little more than the clothes on their backs, these children step into an uncertain future, seeking safety in foster care or shelters. At My Stuff Bags Foundation, we respond to their needs with My Stuff Bags—bright blue duffels packed with essentials and comforts tailored to each child. From toys and books to warm, hand-made blankets, these Bags deliver more than necessities; they bring hope, stability, and a message that they are not alone. Learn more about how we’re making a difference, one child at a time.

Young Child with a My Stuff Bag

Our Commitment to Transparency

Our Financial Accountability

At the My Stuff Bags Foundation, we uphold the highest standards of financial integrity and transparency so that you can see that every donation is utilized effectively to maximize our impact on children in need. Dive into our financial reports to see the detailed stewardship of the resources entrusted to us.

Respecting Your Privacy

We deeply value the trust and support of our donors. We are committed to protecting your privacy and handling your personal information with the utmost care and respect. Learn more about our commitment to ensuring your information is secure and used appropriately.