Our Story

The My Stuff Bags Foundation

The My Stuff Bags Foundation was founded as a national 501(c)(3) non-profit in Westlake Village, CA in 1998. Our mission began as a response to a cry for help from child protection agency workers who described children entering into crisis, domestic violence and homeless shelters or foster care with only the clothes on their backs or little to no personal effects to comfort them. Rescuing agencies and foster care facilities rarely have the resources to provide these children with something as essential as a toothbrush or as comforting as a teddy bear. We fill that gap with My Stuff Bags.

These Bags are not just filled with essentials; they are packed with activities and comforts that these children can call their own, helping them navigate through their new and challenging environments.

A Community of Care

Our innovative approach is to make sure that every My Stuff Bag is the product of many loving hands. The heart of our mission lies in the physical items we provide and the message these Bags send. Each My Stuff Bag is assembled by dedicated volunteers and filled with donations from caring people across the nation, teaching the children who receive them that they are not forgotten and that many people care deeply about their well-being.

A Unique Position of Support

The My Stuff Bags Foundation remains the sole original organization committed to ensuring that children rescued from dire circumstances nationwide are consistently given high quality new belongings in duffels they can keep, helping to restore a sense of personal ownership during their most vulnerable times.

My Stuff Bags CEO Hugging a My Stuff Bag Recipient

A Message from Our CEO

Bringing Hope to Children in Crisis

What can a My Stuff Bag do for a child who has lost everything? It can bring a smile, dry tears, and remind them that they are not alone. Read a heartfelt message from our President & CEO, Janeen Holmes.