What’s Inside a My Stuff Bag?

My Stuff Bags Are Packed with Care

Each My Stuff Bag Has the Following:

  • A Name Tag to fill out so each child can call the Bag their own.
  • An attached Toiletry Bag filled with hygiene items.
  • A Blanket, often hand-made, lovingly crafted by volunteers.

The remaining contents of My Stuff Bags are created from all the wonderful new“Stuff” donated to us by supporters across the United States. Each Bag contains a variety of these items,such as :

  • Toys and Games: Toys to foster joy and distraction from distressing circumstances and games provide an opportunity to enjoy time with others.
  • Books: Books encourage reading, offering both education and an escape into stories.
  • A Stuffed Animal: Often the first comforting ‘friend’ a child can embrace, providing immediate comfort and a sense of security during unsettling times.
  • School Supplies: Essential for continuing education seamlessly, supplies that help maintain a sense of routine and academic engagement.
  • Clothing: New clothing, including undergarments, ensuring the children feel clean, dignified, and cared for.
  • Art and Craft Supplies: To ignite a child’s creativity, again providing a distraction from sad circumstances.
  • Journals: Many children benefit from the opportunity to explore and express their thoughts at a difficult time.

Dedicated volunteers assemble each My Stuff Bag with attention to detail and compassion, ensuring every item is useful and sends a message of love and support. This careful preparation ensures that the Bags not only meet the immediate physical needs of the children but also provide profound emotional reassurance.