President & CEO Message
A Message from Our CEO
Bringing Hope to Children in Crisis
What can a My Stuff Bag full of toys, clothing, books and other items do for a sad and lonely child who has nothing? It can bring a smile to help dry the tears. It can bring things to play with and do when before there was only boredom. Most importantly, these bright blue duffels offer abused and neglected children the realization that they’re not alone, and that many people really do care about them. I’ve seen this immediate impact, and have read the many grateful letters from social service workers and even the kids themselves, saying how much receiving a My Stuff Bag meant to them during a dark and fearful time in their lives.
If you have previously donated funds or new children’s items to the My Stuff Bags Foundation, thank you. Your continued support and concern for these kids is enabling us to keep sending the duffels to children in need across the United States. If you’re new to My Stuff Bags, we need your help! The generosity and compassion of people like you makes it possible for us to provide new “stuff”, and most importantly, hope for a brighter future, to children who often enter shelters and foster care with nothing more than the clothes on their backs.
Please help us to continue giving the warmth and comfort of new belongings and new hope to children in crisis across America.
Thank you,

Janeen Holmes
President & CEO