Donor Privacy Policy

Our Donor Privacy Policy

The My Stuff Bags Foundation does not release, sell, trade or otherwise distribute our donors’ confidential information to any person, organization or any other entity for any purpose. The Foundation collects and retains only donor’s name and contact information, which is used for the sole purpose of providing donation receipts, communication and solicitation. All donor contact information is stored on a local secured server that only authorized personnel have access to. To review or update any personal information, please call 818-865-3860 or email

The Foundation does not have access to credit card information for donations made online. The Foundation offers PayPal, which uses SSL Encryption, for online donations. You do not need to join PayPal to make a donation. Credit card information provided via telephone or mail is used only for payment processing in a secure environment and is not retained for other purposes. All credit card information obtained via telephone or mail is shredded immediately after payment processing.


My Stuff® Bags Foundation trade names, trademarks and service marks, including the registered trademark My Stuff® are the sole and exclusive property of My Stuff® Bags Foundation, and may not be used for any purpose without the express written permission of My Stuff® Bags Foundation.